Will a Kamala Harris Presidency Deliver Sustainable Climate Change Policies?

As the global climate crisis intensifies, the possibility of a Kamala Harris presidency has drawn significant attention, particularly regarding her approach to climate change. Known for her unwavering commitment to environmental justice, Harris has consistently championed policies that not only address climate change but also prioritize the protection of vulnerable communities. But can Harris deliver the bold, transformative leadership needed to stave off catastrophe while uplifting those most impacted by climate change?

During her presidential campaign, Harris said in 2020 that she would establish an independent Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability that would “represent the views of frontline communities, conduct research on issues and trends in frontline communities, measure the costs and benefits of federal actions on frontline communities, and monitor government compliance. While this delivery is yet to fully materialize, it is worth noting that Kamala Harris’s record on environmental issues is deeply rooted in her belief that environmental crimes are also crimes against communities.

While serving as California’s Attorney General, she pioneered a new era of environmental law enforcement by creating the state’s inaugural unit dedicated to prosecuting environmental crimes, with a particular focus on communities disproportionately affected by pollution. This commitment to environmental justice has seamlessly transitioned into her role at the national level, where she has played a crucial role in shaping the Biden administration’s climate agenda.

Additionally, Harris’ is vocal about equitable clean energy transition. She has also been a staunch advocate for making electric vehicles (EVs) more accessible, supporting incentives that allow families to receive up to $7,500 off a new EV and $4,000 off a used one. This could significantly reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental equity by making clean energy more affordable and accessible for Americans and hopefully reverberate into other economies as well.

Notably, Harris’ blueprint for a sustainable tomorrow hinges on a green economy that not only preserves the planet but also elevates its workforce. Her advocacy for high-wage, unionized jobs within the clean energy sector could be a game changer on the world’s view of American’s Climate change policies.  While Harris’ track record on climate issues is promising, her ability to implement sustainable climate policies will face significant challenges.  To begin with she will have to navigating a polarized political landscape, securing bipartisan support, and ensuring that the transition to a green economy does not exacerbate existing inequalities are just a few of the obstacles she may encounter.

This notwithstanding, Harris seems to have a great lead in global politics because her focus on environmental justice, equitable access to clean energy, and a just economic transition. Her presidency could indeed deliver a just and sustainable climate policies the world needs. As the 2024 elections approach, all eyes will be on Harris to see if she can transform her strong advocacy into actionable policies that secure a sustainable future. Her leadership could prove vital not only in mitigating climate change but also in fostering a more just and equitable world.