Sawubona! African Women Rise in Addis, Demanding Rightful Place in Politics

A call to action resonated across Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at a Pan African Pre-Sawubona Leadership meeting led in Addis Ababa. African feminists, fueled by a renewed purpose, ignited a movement demanding their rightful space in the political arena. United in their voices, Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), FEMNET, the Ellen Sirleaf Johnson Presidential Centre for Women and Development (ESJC) and the African Women’s Leadership Network (AWLN), and the Gender is My Network Campaign (GIMAC), Mzalendo Trust and Make Every Woman Count (MEWC) joined forces amplified a crucial message: Patriarchy’s grip must loosen, and women must ascend!

The meeting emphasized the significance of women’s active participation in politics, not just as tokens, but as architects of policy and decision-makers. True impact, resonated the call, comes from being present where it matters most. The discourse urged a reimagining of women’s leadership in both public and private sectors, acknowledging it as the key to substantial progress.

The session served as a powerful reflection, delving into the past, present, and future of women’s leadership on the continent. A stark reality emerged: African women, brimming with potential, were systematically denied meaningful platforms in political discourse and decision-making.

“We need to push back against these oppressive structures, and in the spirit of Sawubona, lift each other up!” thundered Hon. Millie Odhiambo, Suba North Member of Parliament of Kenya. Her words dispelled the myth of politics being a moral challenge for women, declaring, “Women leaders are capable. Women must be bold to take their rightful pace in the political space.”

Echoing this sentiment, Hon. Fatuma Ndangiza, Secretary General of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Women’s Caucus, highlighted the grassroots struggle of women in politics. “African women are capable of leading, but they are overburdened by the triple role – family, equality, and change,” she stated, her voice resonating with the struggles of countless women juggling responsibilities while fighting for their rightful place.

“Women must find their way into the rooms where decisions are made,” asserted Winnie Kiiza, a former Leader of Opposition in Uganda. Her words painted a stark picture of millions of women silenced by poverty and oppression, their voices yearning to be heard.

The pre-Sawubona meeting was not just a discussion; it was an ignition. It ignited a renewed passion, a burning desire to rewrite the narrative of women’s political participation in Africa. The message was clear: women must lead and femntorship (as opposed to the proverbial mentoring) the next generation to accelerate the momentum of inclusive governance and gender equality.


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