About Us

The Liberal News Network is an online media agency that seeks to forefront African realities. LNN exists to challenge patriarchism in the media space by amplifying forgotten narratives that focus on feminist initiatives, voice and power in a domain that is perceivably patriarchal in nature. LNN is dedicated to highlighting African views on economics, politics, climate solutions and arguments, global health, global health research and development, and sports.

  • We cover contemporary feminist initiatives on labour rights, economic inequality, and women’s economic empowerment globally.
  • We focus on gender equality in entrepreneurship and business leadership.
  • We share news and analysis on women’s economic and social rights violations worldwide.

Liberal News Network aspires to be a beacon of fearless and ethical journalism, illuminating the diverse lived experiences across the African continent. We are a media platform that:

  • Empowers voices: Amplifies the narratives of Africans from all walks of life, giving platform to the silenced, marginalised, and underrepresented.
  • Champions human rights: Exposes injustices and advocates for the dignity and freedom of all individuals, holding power accountable and promoting social progress.
  • Celebrates cultural richness: Showcases the vibrant tapestry of African cultures, traditions, and stories, fostering understanding and appreciation for the continent’s multifaceted beauty.
  • Unveils hidden truths: Conducts rigorous investigative journalism to uncover and expose hidden truths, challenging narratives and shedding light on critical issues.
  • Sparks critical thinking: Promotes informed discourse and critical thinking by providing factual, unbiased reporting and fostering meaningful dialogue on vital topics.
  • Connects a global audience: Bridges the gap between Africa and the world, offering international audiences a nuanced and authentic perspective on the continent’s realities.
  • Inspires positive change: Serves as a catalyst for positive change by raising awareness, mobilising action, and empowering individuals to make a difference.

To amplify the voices of the marginalised and challenge power structures through fearless, ethical, and impactful journalism that promotes human dignity and social justice across Africa.

  • Liberal- We value freedom and independence of journalists and allow them to write out of this world stories without undue restriction.
  • Inclusivity- Creating a space where everyone feels welcome and respected.
  • Balance- Maintaining equilibrium in different aspects of life, like work and personal life.
  • Ethical- We embrace the culture of respect, inclusion, and teamwork. We endeavour to maintain a high standard of ethics and professionalism in reporting, and we deliver quality work with integrity and reliability. 
  • Responsibility- Taking ownership of your actions and decisions and being accountable for the consequences.
  • Audacity- We are bold and daring in thought and action. We challenge the status quo and try to push boundaries by embracing unconventional ideas and taking risks to achieve innovation.
  • Legacy- We desire to leave a positive impact on the world by creating news that outlasts our time. 
  • Networking- We believe in building and maintaining relationships with others for mutual benefit.

Beyond headlines, beyond borders, we weave narratives of African resilience, innovation, and struggle. We speak truth to power, champion voices unheard, and empower audiences to understand the nuances of this vibrant continent. Responsible journalism with an activist pulse – that’s the beat of our drum, the rhythm of change.

Beyond the campaign trail, we follow feminist leaders and also men who are navigating the corridors of power, showcasing their critical role in shaping policy and driving progress. We bring you stories of resilience from all genders leading the fight for justice and equality, from judges upholding human rights to activists tackling local and global challenges.

We navigate the complex landscapes of international trade, examining opportunities and challenges for African nations to claim their rightful space and highlight the vital role of women entrepreneurs and economic leaders in driving Africa’s development, showcasing their innovative solutions and advocating for inclusive growth.

We go beyond the stereotypical “tech startup founder” and showcase the broad range of entrepreneurs across sectors, ages, genders, and locations. Highlight rural innovations, social enterprises, small businesses, and female entrepreneurs leading the charge.

We go beyond the headlines, unpacking the economic impact of climate change and showcasing African-led initiatives building a greener future. Where Women and Weather Collide: We explore the unique challenges and opportunities that arise when environmental justice intersects with women’s rights, amplifying the voices of those fighting for a sustainable future for all.

We expose the inextricable link between health and climate change, advocating for solutions that prioritise the well-being of all, especially women. Innovation in the Face of Adversity: We bring you stories of resilience and ingenuity from the frontiers of humanitarian aid and development, celebrating those who bring hope and healing to vulnerable communities.

We celebrate the tireless work of human rights defenders across Africa, highlighting their courage and dedication to building a more just and equitable world. From Whispers to War Cries: We amplify the voices of those whose stories are often silenced, empowering them to share their experiences and advocate for change.

We rewrite the narrative around girls’ and young women’s sports, celebrating their athletic talents, showcasing their triumphs, and challenging gender stereotypes. We go beyond the Scoreboard: We explore the power of sports as a platform for empowerment and social change, highlighting inspirational stories of female athletes breaking barriers and making a difference.

  • Amplifying Voices, Amplifying Impact: We join forces with NGOs and aid organisations, not just to gather information, but to co-create powerful content and documentaries that reach audiences and ignite action.
  • Ground Truthing the Narrative: We partner with local journalists on the ground, eyes and ears in the heart of the storm, to bring nuanced and insightful coverage of critical regions and issues.
  • Bridging the Knowledge Gap: We engage with academics and researchers, harnessing their expertise to illuminate complex humanitarian challenges, providing context, analysis, and solutions for a brighter future.